Within AppEazy we have provided three different methods for exporting a file and saving it to your local computer. Below are instructions and guides on how to use the three methods.
Send to
AppEazy affords you the ability to send a file to your local computer.
- To get started using Send to right-click on the file you would like export.
- Select Send to and then click on your computer name, in my case my computer is DESKTOP-C1BR7HR.
- Your computer will be identified by having the AppEazy logo next to it
- AppEazy will then export the file and present a prompt on your local computer as to what you would like to do with the file.
E-Mail opens up Outlook, composes and e-mail, and attaches the PDF to the e-mail.
Open launches your default PDF viewer and opens the pdf.
Save opens File Explorer and prompts you where to save the PDF.
Connect Drives
AppEazy also provides the ability to connect your local drives into your AppEazy Session so you may import/export data directly to the drives.
- To connect your drives into AppEazy, open AppEazy's Advanced Settings on your local computer.
- This is done by navigating to your Start Menu, clicking All Apps, Expanding the Applianz folder, and selecting Advanced Settings.
- Tick the box next to Connect drives
- Click Save
- Connect to your AppEazy Session
- Your drives will now be present within AppEazy allowing you to save data directly to your workstation!
- As you can see below, the C drive on my computer, DESKTOP-C1BR7HR, now appears in the AppEazy Session!
Applianz PDF Creator
The Applianz PDF Creator provides the user the ability to export any text file (such as a Word document), and convert it to a PDF. This PDF is then exported to your local workstation where you are prompted with options on how you would like to proceed with the PDF.
- To get started, open the document that you would like to export, and go to print it like you normally would. When selecting your printer, select the Applianz PDF Creator and then select Print.
- Applianz PDF Creator will then export the PDF and present a prompt on your local computer as to what you would like to do with the PDF.
E-Mail opens up Outlook, composes and e-mail, and attaches the PDF to the e-mail.
Open launches your default PDF viewer and opens the pdf.
Save opens File Explorer and prompts you where to save the PDF.
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